Company Declaration: Values and Standards


Information on this website is general.
It represents neither specific information nor advice. The content of our web pages was created with great care. However, we cannot grant any liabillity for the correctness, completeness, or currentness of the contents. We reject any liability for damages that result directly or indirectly from the use of this website, provided these do not related to intended or major negligence.

Liability for links

Even though we use great care to offer high-quality links, we hereby state that we have no influence on the design and content of the linked websites, we assume no responsibility for these and we do not appropriate them. This statement applies to all links on this website and to entries in the blog, forum, or similar. We are not responsible in any event for the content of Internet sites that link to us. We are also not able to determine or inspect links to us.


We endeavor to observe the copyright of all graphics, audio documents, video sequences, and texts in all publications, to use graphics, audio documents, video sequences, and texts created by themselves, or to use license-free graphics, audio documents, video sequences, and texts. If you become aware of copyright infringement despite this, please give us a corresponding indication. On becoming aware of legal infringements, we will remove content of this kind immediately.

The copyright for public objects created by the authors themselves remains with the authors of the pages. Reproduction or use of these graphics, audio documents, video sequences, and texts in other electronic or printed publications is not permitted without explicit permission of the authors.